Chan lab hike in western PA

Thanks Miranda for organizing the hike. 3 miles turned into about 6-7 miles pretty quickly, but it was a fantastic day with wonderful weather. The Chan boys are spent.  

Farewell Qiujun!

We are thrilled that Qiujun will train as a clinician here in the United States but sad that she is leaving us in Pittsburgh. We appreciate all of your hard work over the past 3 years, Qiujun, and we will get your discoveries published soon!

Chan Lab Represents at DOM Research Day 2018

Congrats to Qiujun and Miranda for winning postdoc and grad student awards! And congrats to Lloyd, Jingsi, and Wei for representing us so well. We received positive feedback across the board on our work together. You all should be very proud.  

Chan Lab at PH Pittsburgh 5K

Chan Lab represented well at PH Pittsburgh 5K to build awareness and support for our patients with this devastating disease. We also discovered that we have running talent! Looks like we will have to field a Pittsburgh marathon team as well! Overall Winner of 5K: Chad...